I read scanned palms from the computer. I am the only Palmist in the world who can guest on a radio show, live and read scanned palms on air. With a 90-95% accuracy rate I entertain the listening audience with a true picture of those being read.
To have a private palm reading with a personal
4 page, typed report see my web site below: to send the scan to my email address.
If in a foreign country US Money Order is the acceptable form of payment.
Did you know that personal growth is always a personal decision? To attract positive energy in
a relationship we have to think and feel positive. If you can love yourself and those around you then you will be drawn to and learn from yourself.
You are your only problem and the only way to fix that problem is for you to find the solution to it. The answer to every single problem in this world
Change is inevitable. Change is what makes the world go around. There is change every second, every minute, every hour. In palmistry the hand’s lines change when the person has experiences that are exciting, happy times or unpleasant times. All change can be detected on the palm. Everything that happens to an individual that makes an impression on their mind is reflected on their hand in the area where the changes occurred.
Life line: health issues, heredity, longevity
Love line: engagements, break-ups, new relationships
Work line: job opportunities present or missed
Reproduction: possibilities
Bracelets: worry, decisions, situations solved
There are numerous miscellaneous symbols on the
palm analyzed by a Palmist to determine changes
that have happened and change that is coming in
the near future. The lines on a palm change from
present at birth and every six months the lines
can meander, stop, take a curve to or away from
a spot where they were before. This shows equals movement and growth or stagnation in a person’s life.
Life’s challenges can be the impetus to transform old, self-limiting beliefs and growing. In a relaxed, accepting environment, change becomes the adventure it was designed to be.
Everything is energy. We each put out our own distinctive energy. The earth gives back energy.
If we move to a new location, change jobs or
begin new activities our energy stays the same
but the energy from the earth coming toward us
is changed. Usually these kinds of change cause
what we hope to accomplish.