Soul Mate Connections

Friday, February 20, 2009


LOVE is:

Creating calm in the midst of chaos

Taking time with one another to reflect and recharge

Knowing the power of simple beauty and sharing it

Nourishing body and soul together

Helping each other streamline the ways life is managed

Inspiring ideas that embrace a more satisfying way of living

Focusing on those things that matter the most

Discovery of self

Rewards of a simpler life

Taking charge of life

Creative rituals to keep the relationship close

Love should flow with spontaneity; it should not be structured. True love in everyday living is enduring and mutually satisfying to both partners. It is giving to another, and whatever is given out should be returned. The purpose of life is “Growth”. Soul mates are growth relationships. There are many different kinds of relationships that come from the soul’s desire to experience growth. Soul mates produce a powerful energy which becomes a force of its own. A new, fresh, boundless energy with it’s own identity forms out the union. The vibrations of love act as a teacher, thus the soul mates grow, together.Change is experienced gradually.


Sex is a profound, far-reaching aspect of the soul, bringing together body, emotion and imagination in an intense experience that touches every fiber of feeling within. Sex offers guidance where strong emotions reside. It is a form of education, not just the physical expression of love, but an aspect of one’s entire life. Issues one may be worrying about can affect the intensity of lovemaking for better or worse. The soul is affected more by our treatment of desire and longing than by our failure to get everything right. There is something playful about erotic experiences.

1. Mental
2. Physical
3. Emotional

Powerful points of contact:
Likes attract, opposites oppose
New knowledge and new possibilities
Learn to trust your hearing

At times soul mates miss the opportunity to find one another; two ships passing in the night. Maybe one is tied up with another individual and unable to obtain their freedom. A reuniting cannot take place and this is sad, but happens many times. There is no reversal in some situations. Ideally, a soul mate arrives on the scene when their other half is free and wishing for the existence of one to bond with who is like them.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Tips, Tricks and Techniques for Fairs and Trade Shows

Marketing Advice for those who are vendors in shows, or fairs:

Conduct your work as though another had hired you to perform.
Example: Don’t take too many breaks
Don’t visit too much
Don’t trade too many readings (You’ll miss customers)
Stay seated; be available 99% of the time
Always arrive early - never late

2. YOU ARE YOUR OWN BUSINESS: Keep records of how many people you have seen, how much money you have taken in and the time frame.

Call cities listed in front of phone book and ask to be put on their mailing list. Inquire if any Parks & Recreation events are planned. If so apply for booth space.

It should appear like a serious set-up; professional, eye-catching and approachable.
A few tasteful items can be displayed, not too many.

Poster: Should be easy to see, clean lines, possess eye-appeal and not too wordy to confuse participants. If you read cards pick one and capitalize on it. Blow it up to 8 8 1/2” x 11” size in color at Kinko’s and use it to self promote on the poster. Make that card your gimmick to hook the public. Mine is “The Love Psychic”and the “SOULMATE SPECIALIST” sign. I use a large palm, works like a charm.

Costuming: All individuals should dress either in metaphysical garb or clean, neat clothing. No-no is to wear somber clothing such as black, navy or dark brown because this has an opposite effect on the fair participant than wanted. Bright colors or neat lines in neutral colors are the best way to present yourself.

Attitude: You have to be friendly to the public. The image you project is continual for the entire show, fair, or presentation. Eye-contact is of utmost importance with a warm personality and engaging conversation.

Business cards, flyers or literature can be used for handouts. Need to be catchy so people will remember them. Too much verbiage turns many off in a brochure. All items should be displayed for picking up off the corner of your work space.

Get your name out in the public eye. The more times someone bumps into your name the more connected to you they feel. Yellow Pages in phone book, ads in metaphysical magazines, classified ads in local newspapers, in directories of metaphysical and light workers too. Contribute articles in metaphysical publications as often as you can with your by-line.

Internet Page, phone message on machine stating where you will be appearing that week. Posting your flyer, brochure, or business card on bulletin boards in grocery stores, coffee shops, laundromats and in bookstores. (Note: You can’t be lazy about this chore or you will always have to pay to advertise. These are free postings.)

Ask every client to recommend you to their circle of friends and acquaintances.

If you conduct readings at private or corporate parties always give out extra literature and ask the person being read to recommend your work in the future to their circle of friends, family and co-workers.

8. ENTERTAINMENT AGENCIES: (Locate in Yellow Pages in phone book)
Design a letter of introduction, mail it out to each one with your brochure and business card. Wait a few weeks, then call and re-introduce yourself. Keep notes of who contact was and what they told you. If they have a gig coming up they will mention it at that time. Never turn down work offered since they keep records and will not call you in the future if you aren’t easy to work with on their terms.

Send same letter to: organizations, schools, fraternities and sororities, night clubs in your area. Follow up in a few weeks. Send same letter to large corporations to announce you would like to work their summer picnic or Xmas parties. Include your literature, business card and rate you charge to perform. If you are cheaper than agency they might hire, you will get the gig. (Note: $100 hr is standard with 2 hour minimum.

Be aware of weekly newspapers, other publications; scan for up-coming events. Call and offer to work for them at a reduced rate if it is a benefit affair.

11. OFFER CLASSES in your area of expertise. Mention this at every opportunity to keep your name and ability in the minds of those who have just seen you at an event.

12. SCRAPBOOK: Keep all thank you letters, e-mails, flyers from fairs you have participated in, snapshots, etc. This validates who you are and shows off your accomplishments. Keep all articles written about you in the media and a list of appearance on radio and tv.

13. SET UP AN AREA IN YOUR HOME TO CONDUCT READINGS. It should be tastefully decorated and quiet.

14. YOU ARE YOUR OWN BEST PROMOTER: do it 100% of the time you are awake. No one will toot your horn for you, you have to do it yourself.