Myrna Lou Goldbaum
An Excerpt from my book SOULMATE CONNECTIONS
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Relationships, Love,
Romance and Soul Mates
Love is a stepping stone in the development of an individual; it is unconditional, total commitment to another. We grow to love and love to grow and in that way merge with the Universal Intelligence and in so doing can hope to manifest a soul mate. Love and the human spirit are our most enduring gift from God.
Someone you meet at a soul level, feel what the other is feeling at the same time. Soul mates meet in this world and merge as ecstatic, creative, evolving and living souls.
The chance meeting of soul mates is predestined for their soul’s growth. All learning is a procedure of remembering the past. We are the sum total of all our experience from the beginning of time. Soul mates recognize their counterparts internally if they have bonded with that person previously. In an instant the human system simply “knows” they have come into contact with one of their soul mates.
Every soul mate union has the following present:
Relationship can be a spiritual path of enlightenment. The basis of any relationship must be built on truthful communication where neither person feels superior or the top dog all the time. In a solid soul mate relationship the leadership should be passed back and forth between the couple. On some days one partner is in control and has all the bright ideas and their partner goes along with the flow. The next time the creative thought processing may come from the other person. Neither is constantly the leader or the follower. When one knows what they want in a mate and where to go to locate that person, they are bound to find it. Soul mates “know instinctively” and search out their equals. When one finds their soul mate from another lifetime the relationship will last forever.
Admitting to self, “I want my other half, my true partner, my soul mate in this world” sends the signal to their soul mate where ever they may reside, who hears their inner gut-wrenching cry, and answers the call home. Soul mates bond and feel as if they are one; two minds working in tandem as a single unit. Nurturing and loving, this bond can be with friends, lovers or family members. Soul mates are created at a soul level. A person needs to get in touch with their own essence, to feel the soul and get a sense of what gives them a feeling of true happiness. One must discover how to clear out the old patterns and allow the new ones in. By asking Universe, the angels and one’s higher self for guidance in bringing to them who and what they desire and need, it can happen. Of course blocking and the walls one puts up must be removed or they will keep the person from attracting anyone new into their life. By setting up inner changes the path for a soul mate to enter is clear, waiting on the perfect timing to occur. To get a soul mate’s attention one’s natural vibration has to be revved up, working as a beacon in the night. A person with high energy can feel their soul mate’s presence even if they are in a room with 400 people.
What is of utmost importance is not what you get out of a relationship, but what you give to it.
A true mate is the other half of self. What is given to a mate is re-given. It is not only about the people who interact with each other, but the vehicle that shapes life. Relationships that touch the soul lead us into a dialogue with eternity and the Divinity itself. Relationships have some difficulties in the beginning where emotions may be strong but confusing. Many share the experience of drama and ecstasy, of discovering and possibly losing their soul mates, not just in this lifetime but in other lifetimes as well.
Nice article! I stumbled upon it at random, and I'm glad that I did.
I've read a lot of articles about soulmates, and yours in the most relatable, down to earth that I've read.
Thanks for the read! Keep writing...
Alisha Kamph, at 5:55 PM
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