Where's a Drought When You Need One?
I’m only kidding, of course, but in a few days it will officially be summer. In Colorado we SHOULD be having blue skies, warm temperatures and very little amounts of rain, if any.
Because I am a Palmist and spend nearly every week-end throughout the summer outside in a tent with my best girlfriend Sandra-Ka participating in fairs all over the state it would be so much better if there never was a single raindrop falling from the sky on us. We pray for “NO RAIN” and then it comes down in buckets on top of us.
The first fair of the season for us is Memorial Day week-end at the Boulder Creek Festival. I have worked this event ten years in all kinds of peculiar weather. This year 2 out of 3 days were cold, rainy and miserable. Over 100,000 in attendance for this fair; we only saw one good day and two days not so normal.
The following week-end Sandra-Ka and I were to participate with another person, a Relationship Expert, Janice Hoffman, for 2 days in downtown Denver at Civic Center Park at the People’s Fair, the mother of all fairs in this state. Over 350,000 show up for this one. Putting up the tent in rain was no fun but sitting from 9AM to 3 PM with the water rising at our feet from the curb to 4 feet into the tent was no picnic either. It was so cold we could see our breath! Every so often a hardy man would drop by to chat with us or ask when the weather was going to let up. We ate our lunch in silence and huddled together hoping against hope the rain would let up or go away all together. Finally late afternoon the sun did come out. We worked until 7 Pm but it was not a normal fair. The following day it was gangbusters, hot, sunny and great fun to work non-stop from 10 AM to 7 PM with lines in front of our tent the entire time.
Last week-end it was just Sandra-Ka and I at the Gold Strike Festival in Arvada CO. This neighborhood street event was not busy as the rain came and went both days. It kept the crowds down. The kicker was the micro-burst that blew through the area at 6:30 PM. We have 40 pound weights on each corner of the tent but it took 7 of us hold on to the tent anyway or it would have blown away. We saw some rolling down the street in front of us as the police chased them to try to salvage whatever they could. Thank goodness we have no product to worry about, only the service we offer of palm reading and tarot cards. Some vendors lost goods in that windy few minutes. That ended the fair for that day, no hands or cards read after the street cleared out.
June 18-19, this week-end, we are in Ft. Collins CO at the Holistic Arts Fair at their Civic Center Park for 2 days. We wish to not experience grey skies, rain or any high winds this week. All those elements keep people away. The reason we love to participate in fairs is to reunite with old friends, to help, guide or aid those who seek us out.
June 25th we will be working at a Psychic Fair inside at Crystalline Energy in Littleton CO, located in a strip mall at Bowles & Platt Canyon in a wonderful store where the energy can’t be beat. The hours are 11 AM to 6 PM, free admission. This is their 2nd anniversary so the store is having the psychics give 20 minute reads for $15.00. Such a bargain. Can’t you just see it now, the most perfect June weather on record!
Note: July 2-3 I will be working with a Relationship Counselor, Douglas Brady, at the West End Street Jam in Boulder CO in my tent once again.
July 4th it will be SandRa-Ka and I again in my hometown of Louisville CO at the Fair at Memory Park. This is an annual event with free food, games, several bands providing music and diversified booths with many things to offer the public. It never rains that day!
August 20-21 Ft. Collins CO holds their largest fair, (over 500 booths), on the streets of Old Town. This is the New West Fest where my card reading-palm reading friend and I will be set up in our tent once again on Matthews Street, hopefully under a huge tree.
The reservoirs in Colorado are nearly full now, so nobody should have to conserve water this year. I just hope the rain has stopped for this season. It felt more like April showers than May flowers and beautiful June to me.
Jeez, girl, you're making me dizzy! Gimme some of your energy! I just happened to pop by to say hello...trying to wake up and get going here. Good luck at your fairs! Dang...I wish I lived out there...I can't think of a single fair in my neck of the woods...just think of all the opportunities I'm missing.
thewriterslife, at 7:50 AM
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